Inclusive Language Resources

Support for your diversity and inclusion initiatives.

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Let’s face it. Sometimes our words can send the wrong message. Even when we have good intentions. Throughout history, language has excluded people based on their culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, socioeconomic status, or appearance. 

Language is powerful. At Acrolinx, we think intentional and inclusive communication has the power to create change. We can all do better — and Acrolinx is here to help.

So what is inclusive language?

Inclusive language avoids the use of certain words and phrases that exclude, silence, discriminate or assign negative connotations to personal characteristics of certain people and communities. 
But it’s more than simply avoiding offense.

Inclusive language signals to historically excluded people and communities that they are safe to be themselves. And that we’re committed to providing underrepresented groups a place to flourish.

It also symbolizes acceptance, allyship, and a commitment to seeing human differences through a lens of collaboration and a catalyst for growth — not as a basis for conflict. It’s a way of speaking and writing that aligns with action that promotes promotes belonging for all people.

Inclusive business communication

More companies are becoming invested in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. In a business context, many recognize that inclusive practices help both companies and individuals thrive. When it comes to inclusive enterprise content, you’ll want to cover the following aspects. Inclusive language should be:

  • Respectful
  • Accurate
  • Unbiased
  • Historically and culturally aware
  • Free from stereotypes

Discriminatory language can distance you from a wider audience and make your content appear outdated. On the other hand, language that’s focused on inclusion can attract a broader talent pool, increase inclusivity in the workplace, and start helpful conversations about implicit bias.

Resources to guide you


The Acrolinx Inclusive Language Guide

This guide introduces you to inclusive language principles that every organization needs to know. Whether you’re new to gender-neutral pronouns, need tips on writing in plain language, or referring to people with disabilities respectfully using person-first language — we’ve got you covered. Over 30 pages, you’ll also get plenty of inclusive language examples you can use to inspire your very own inclusive language style guide at your organization.

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Can Technology Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

This eBook explores:

  • How technology helps us make decisions
  • What algorithmic bias is, and how it appears in our technologies
  • How to lower the risks of algorithmic bias and develop fairer technology
  • How technology can support company D&I initiatives

You’ll also get a guide on some digital solutions currently on the market that assist with implementing inclusive language, to assess which one fits your diversity and inclusion goals.

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Inclusive Language for Executives

Many companies have an executive-sponsored diversity and inclusion initiative. But that doesn’t always mean leadership is part of the implementation process. So how do executives set a good example for the wider company? This guide aims to support executives to navigate critical D&I issues, understand why it’s important, and the steps towards a successful inclusive language initiative.

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10 Tips to Improve Content Readability with Plain Language: Blog

Plain language makes information accessible to a wider audience. It assists people with different linguistic backgrounds, literacy levels, learning styles or disabilities to access your content and find it helpful. This blog is a great introduction for anyone new to plain language.

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A Guide to Gender-Neutral Language in Business Writing: Blog

When it comes to personal pronouns, many people assume that because they conform to the gender-binary construct, other people do too. But in a recent study by Pew Research Centre, 35% of Generation Z know someone who uses non-binary pronouns. And by using the wrong pronoun, it can lead to microaggressions like constantly misgendering non-binary identities. 

But gender-inclusive language isn’t just about pronouns. It challenges gendered language that defaults to masculine pronouns, and other gender-specific words for job roles or titles. Want to learn more about how to refer to people of all gender respectfully, in any context? This blog is for you!

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Listen first, speak later

We know that it’s not up to the most prominent voices in society to decide what’s inclusive. The first step to inclusive language is actually becoming a better listener.
We’re always open to collaborative efforts with other organizations! Want to have a conversation about inclusive language at your organization?
Let’s talk

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