Acrolinx for AI Content Generation

Enterprise content governance for generative AI

Generative AI content tools like ChatGPT are changing the way we write. There are many new opportunities to benefit from these tools. But with generative AI alone, you can’t guarantee that your content is effective, safe, and on-brand. Acrolinx closes this gap.

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What’s AI-generated content?

AI-generated content comes in different forms. McKinsey describes generative AI as “algorithms […] that can be used to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos.” On this page, we’ll take a deep look into AI-generated texts.

A new era of content creation

AI content creation tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, Replika, and Bloom provide new opportunities for content creation, including for your enterprise.

Take advantage of existing content

Have you already thought about how to include generative AI tools into your content strategy?  You can provide an AI writer like ChatGPT your recent long form content. Out of that, it creates content like:

Short marketing copy

Webinar scripts

Social media postings

For more ideas on how to use generative AI for your corporate content, read our article “5 Tips for Using Generative AI Like ChatGPT for Enterprises”!

Improve efficiency

You can benefit from using generative AI wisely. It helps you overcome editorial bottlenecks and fuels greater efficiency. This is true when it comes to time-consuming content creation tasks. Especially if they don’t require subject matter experts to weigh in. Two examples are:

Creating abstracts of existing content

Turning copy into bullet points

Generative AI can use your existing content, and public material it’s been trained with, to create something new. The time your editors would take to do these tasks is now free to be used for activities that are more valuable to the business. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

But, be careful

Even though it feels compelling, an AI writing tool shouldn’t always be your go-to solution. There are industries, jobs, and content types that will always require human content creators.

Here are two examples:

Subject matter expert use cases 

Look at technical communication. Yes, you can use AI writing tools to convert existing product descriptions into captions for a product video. But what about instructions on how to handle a complex new product? Here you need your subject matter experts to help create content. Also, generative AI tools don’t know where to place warnings (unless you tell them in detail). You definitely need human content creators here.

And even for content that doesn’t fall into these specific categories, AI-generated content brings some challenges for enterprises. Read more about these challenges in the next section.

Why AI content generation is challenging for enterprises

High content standards

Enterprise content follows high standards — it’s not enough to be linguistically correct and fun to read. Beyond these characteristics, enterprise content creators and leadership want to make sure their content is:

  • Clear and comprehensive 
  • Factual
  • Respectful
  • Compliant
  • Consistent 
  • Aligned to the company’s tone of voice
  • Inclusive

Using ChatGPT and similar generative AI tools doesn’t mean you’re meeting these criteria. Quite the opposite: In an enterprise where many people are creating content, generative AI alone leads to copy in a variety of different styles. The readability levels and aspects like style and terminology vary. This leads to an inconsistent content experience for prospects and customers. Not to mention that someone needs to fact-check all that content. 

Content guidelines or corporate style guides prevent inconsistent content experiences. They show you how to write great on-brand content. By creating a style guide and making it accessible to all employees, you set a baseline for successful corporate content, AI-generated or not. But the real struggle is to make sure all content creators use the style guide – and for that you need a Content Governance Platform.

But the real struggle is to make sure all content creators use the style guide.

Valuable enterprise information

A lot of the content your enterprise creates is not meant to go public ever. It’s internal, sometimes highly confidential information you have to treat with the highest caution. Your public-facing content is your competitive differentiator, so you don’t want to see your competitors reusing it.

Common generative AI tools are trained on the content they process – as an enterprise, you might want your content creators not to use such tools. At least not for information that’s not public. For enterprises, it makes more sense to use the language models and their strengths and train them on your own content. The same is true for your Content Governance Platform – if you want to see how Acrolinx tackles this challenge, read “How Acrolinx can help”.

Homepage image ChatGPT.

Why you need a Content Governance Platform

A proper content governance plan aligns your corporate goals with your content strategy. Checking for high-quality content is definitely a good starting point, but content governance is more than that. 

“It’s a systematic approach to capturing and digitizing your company’s content strategy; measuring your current content status; actively guiding content creation to achieve your stated goals; and improving overall performance over time.”

You have to make sure that your AI-generated content aligns with this approach. Content Governance Platforms help you here because they:

  • Support all types of content (file types, different authoring tools) and content creation workflows.
  • Align all content to your product and content strategy.
  • Provide support across the entire content lifecycle.
  • Streamline processes to improve communication and collaboration.
  • Improve individual and team performance.
  • Provide measurable metrics to help make business decisions.
  • Help your collective content creators communicate with one clear voice.
  • Compare performance and quality metrics to identify published content that needs to be improved.


Acrolinx conceptual image with different writing platforms to integrate.

How Acrolinx can help

Full Content Governance

With a Content Governance Platform like Acrolinx, you can optimize your content at every stage of the  content supply chain or content lifecycle. And this is true for both AI- and human-generated content.

There are several stages of your content lifecycle where generative AI helps you with your content operations. Our platform integrates with your tools and processes. This way you make sure you can combine the AI content creation with AI content governance!

Of course, there’s more than just different content lifecycle stages. There are also different contributors, stakeholders, and departments. And there are separate content processes executed throughout the enterprise in a similar manner.

Only a Content Governance Platform can provide overall content governance here.

Secure generative AI for enterprises

Do you remember that we highlighted the importance of training language models with owned content above? As a platform for even the biggest and most complex enterprises, Acrolinx takes that into account. 

Its new AI functionality, AI Enrich for Acrolinx, includes language models you can train on your own content. That not only provides you data security, but also gives you the opportunity to use only scored, optimized content for training. This way, you avoid “rubbish in, rubbish out.” The Acrolinx score is the perfect filter for high quality content. And with Content Cube in the mix, you can even make choices with performance metrics in mind. 

You see: Content Governance matters. Always.

Interested in learning more?

AI Enrich for Acrolinx: Generative AI Without the Risk

Now you can use generative AI for content creation that’s risk free with the launch of AI Enrich for Acrolinx! Check out the details here.

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You want your AI-generated content to be compliant and on-brand?

Reach out to us to discuss what Acrolinx can do for your AI-generated content.

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