Excellent System for Quality Control

Automated content governance

Avoid publishing poor and non-compliant content with automation.

Discover how

Quality control at scale

Governance is the automated management and control over your content. It keeps it consistent and aligned to your standards, regardless of whether it was written by a human or generative AI.

Scale your writing and editing teams by letting Acrolinx automatically check the quality of all written assets. You can even block poor content from being published by setting up quality gates. Insert Acrolinx quality checking directly into your writing processes to prevent efficiency bottlenecks, maintain quality standards, and comply with regulations.

Acrolinx identifies 56m enterprise standards violations every year.

81% of the violations are not spelling and grammar. Each one represents business risk.

Automate content scoring

Acrolinx integrates with corporate repositories to check if content meets your company’s writing standards. Assess the quality of your content and make sure it fully complies with your style guide and regulatory requirements.

Work in dozens of environments

Every company is liable for its content. To cover all of your content, automate quality reviews with Acrolinx. Pre-built integrations with repositories, workflows, file systems, and websites like Adobe AEM, GitHub, Azure DevOps, Microsoft SharePoint, Confluence, and more.

Connect to editorial workflows

Integrate Acrolinx into your existing tech stack with dozens of pre-built integrations, or build your own custom integration powered by our API. Access Acrolinx capabilities easily from your custom apps with our SDK. 

How automated content governance benefits your enterprise

  • Check and score 100% of your content automatically
  • Stop poor quality content from being published by finding missed human errors
  • Uncover brand issues, messaging misalignment, and compliance risks
  • Publish more content with fewer resources
  • Scale content quality checking across millions of content pieces
  • Deliver content to your audience up to 5x faster
  • Reinforce your brand’s tone of voice across all content
  • Improve customer experience through content

Greater regulatory compliance with fewer resources

Everyone in your business contributes to your company’s content. But only a few people involved in the writing and editing process keep writing standards and regulatory requirements in mind. And as regulations adapt and change, companies have to keep published content up-to-date to not compromise regulatory compliance. 

Before using Acrolinx, most customers reported that 50-70% of published content hadn’t been reviewed. This resulted in published assets with poor word choices, complex sentence structures, and other linguistic errors. Confused customers, misused products, and even lawsuits can be the shocking result. 

Discover automated content governance that keeps your content supply chain safe, efficient, and agile. 

Discover the value of automation

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